The Salmon River Restoration Council (SRRC) is requesting proposals from qualified applicants for the safe removal of hazard trees on private properties throughout the Salmon River watershed in Siskiyou County, California.
Trees that pose the highest threat to homes, structures, and ingress/egress routes have been selected for removal on six private properties. The difficulty of removal will vary depending on the tree. Complete treatment of the hazard trees includes safely felling trees to the ground and removal and chipping of limbs. Safe removal of some trees may require climbing and taking the trees down in pieces. The larger diameter portions of the trees may be bucked and left on site for firewood or milling.
Applicants must follow the proposal submission procedures outlined in the How to Be Considered for This Project section of this RFP and in accordance with the Timeline & Deadlines section of the RFP. Pricing is requested as all-inclusive, per-tree cost as the effort required will vary. After review of proposals, the SRRC will determine if the number of trees need to be added or decreased to make use of available funding and best achieve project goals.
A site tour is required for any contractors wishing to bid on this project. The site tour will happen on November 21st 2024. Please RSVP by 5 PM on November 20th if you plan to attend the site tour. The meeting place for the site tour will by the Forks of Salmon Post Office.
Visit the following Dive link to download the full requests for proposal, proposal form, and project map. If you download the individual project map PDF, it is georeferenced and can be used with Avenza to navigate to the meeting place for the site visit, marked as the Forks of Salmon site location on the map.
No job announcements at this time
Salmon River Restoration Council
PO Box 1089 | Sawyers Bar, CA | 96027
Salmon River (California)